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Lachlan McLeod

Pull Up Program

PHASE 1 Current Ability: 0 strict pull ups Goal: 1 strict pull up Objective: Strengthening muscles involved in completing a pull up. Primarily the lats, biceps, rhomboids, and various muscles in the shoulder.* Do at least 3-4 workouts a week. Move to Phase 2 once you can complete 3 strict pull ups in 1 minute. *please note work in with the weekly program and class workouts, when you need a day off take the day off. Weeks 1,3 & 5 Day 1 3 sets of 5 jumping negatives. Jump up to position with chin over the bar and SLOWLY lower to full extension. Step back on box and repeat. Day 2 5 sets of 15 second active hang on bar, then 5 challenging ring rows. Hold 2 count at the top. Day 3 3 sets of 5 vertical hanging ring rows. If you are able to do more than 5 reps, then scale up to 3 sets of 8-10 reps. A vertical ring row consists of arms and back hanging straight down from the rings with palms facing out. Pull up with heels “dragging” the floor. If you struggle to get 5 reps in this position, step back until 5 reps can be completed. Day 4 8 Struggle Ups Struggle Downs. Begin hanging on the bar. Pull yourself up by activating your lats and shoulders as much as you possibly can. Struggle for 5 seconds. At that point, step on a box to do a jumping pull up. Once chin has cleared the bar, perform a slow negative pull up. Slowly lower yourself to full extension. Attempt to do so for a 10 count (10 second lower). Weeks 2/4/6 Day 1 3 sets of 5 jumping negatives. Jump up to position with chin over the bar and SLOWLY lower to full extension. Step back on box and repeat. Day 2 Accumulate 25 challenging ring rows. If you can string together 10 or more, they are not challenging enough. Make them more challenging by moving your body more parallel with the floor. Day 3 3 sets of 5 vertical hanging ring rows. If you are able to do more than 5 reps, then scale up to 3 sets of 8-10 reps. Day 4 3 sets of max hang from pull up bar with 1 minute rest between sets. Buy out: 5 reps 7 second struggle up. *on any day after a rest day, try to attempt 3-5 single reps of a strict Pull up... the goal is to pull as high as possible PHASE 2 Current Ability: 1 strict pull up at any time consistently Goal: 5 strict pull ups in a row with no kip Objectives: Every week do more pull ups than the last. Develop a good technique for kipping. Become stronger in the hollow rock position. Do at least 3-4 workouts a week. Move to Phase 3 when you can do 3 sets of 5 strict pull ups in 3 minutes. Weeks 1,3 & 5 Day 1 5 minute EMOM 2-5 strict pull ups (increase up to 5 strict pull ups per minute) Day 2 Tabata Active kips swings (4 minutes, 20 sec work, 10 seconds rest). Try to stay consistent within rounds. If you can perform a solid kipping pullup, do these instead. *be mindful of hand health and don’t rip Day 3 Tabata hollow rocks/hollow hold. Then accumulate 30 challenging ring rows. Have body as parallel to ground as possible. Day 4 As many strict pull ups as possible in 4 minutes. *for warm ups and shoulder health on pull up days, try to work active hangs/Kip swings and arch position on bar. Weeks 2,4&6 Day 1 Same as week 1 (lengthen EMOM by 2 minutes each week) Day 2 Same as week 1 (increase amount of pull ups per tabata round) Day 3 5 sets of 2 negative pull ups. Pull up until chin passes over bar, then lower yourself down on a 10 count if possible. Day 4 4 sets of 10 challenging ring rows, followed by 45 second hollow hold (increase for week 4). PHASE 3 Current Ability: set of 5 strict pull ups at any time consistently Goal: Men – 10 strict and 20 kipping pull ups in a row, Women – 7 strict and 15 kipping pull ups in a row *Phase 3 challenge – both men/women able to string together a few butterflys Objectives: Develop stamina for higher reps Do at least 3-4 workouts a week. Weeks 1,3&5 Day 1 5 minute EMOM 2-5 strict pull ups (each week add 2 minutes to EMOM) Day 2 3 sets max rep kipping or butterfly pull ups with 2 minutes rest between sets Day 3 4 sets max strict pull ups. Rest 2 minutes between sets Day 4 As many kipping/butterfly pull ups in 5 minutes Weeks 2,4&6 Day 1 20 kipping/butterfly pull ups as fast as possible in least amount of sets as possible. Day 2 Accumulate 40 challenging (parallel body) ring rows (add 10 more for week 4) 1 minute hollow hold each time you break Day 3 Same as week 1 (try to beat score) Day 4 5 sets of 5 negative pull ups. Do a strict pull up, then lower yourself down on a 10 count if possible Day 5-7 If you have time and energy, do butterfly work and practice. *please note that days aren’t consecutive and you need rest in between, you also need to take care of your hands to avoid ripping etc. it is important to stretch, foam roll and mobilise on a regular basis to allow free flowing mechanics and avoid injury.

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