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Lachlan McLeod

Out the other side of lockdown...

It’s been a crazy year up until now, we have faced 2 lockdowns and the mindset we entered 2020 with has been flipped on its head... this could relate to your life, fitness or business goals. 

We have decided to write this blog post on maybe shedding some light on how you can turn it back to focus on YOU and finish off the year with a bang. 

We speak to a lot of people who found the lockdowns hard in terms of training, eating or just getting out of daily habits... some people made it through the initial time frame but when the second came around all hell broke loose.

There were more take away night, lunch time beers , midnight beers, “I’ll train tomorrow” and “I’ll start eating clean tomorrow... don’t worry we have heard a few and to be honest some coaches went through the same problems , Yes that’s right you are not alone in this. 

So the question is where to now and how can we turn this to advantage us ?? 

Well here it goes ... this is the secret sauce, there is no science, no secret hack ... it is 


That’s right pick up a pen and a pad and write down what you want to achieve for the rest of the year this can be 

  • attend the gym 3-5 time a week 

  • No beers 

  • Ok maybe some beers but not as many

  • Eat clean 

  • Work on myself, business or family time

  • Take 5-7 hours a week for me 

  • Take a hobbie up 

  • Work on a specific movement 

  • Train for a comp, marathon , body building comp etc 

  • Look great in speedos or hey nothing at all (who am I to judge ) 

It can be anything remember it’s your goal and no one else’s ... then from here write steps and habits to get you there. 

Tell a close friend or a coach who you know will keep you accountable. 

Get a weekly planner or notebook and plan out your week and remember to put “YOUR TIME” as a priority or as a reoccurring meeting and don’t budge on that... it’s just as important if not more then getting that last deal for work across the line. As my granddad said once to me “what’s the point of being successful amd wealthy if you can’t enjoy it because your sick, unhealthy or bed ridden. 

We see this every year People make a “New years resolution “ start off all guns blazing then burn out by March and let it all unfold... Why do we have to start on 1st January for things to kick us off ?? 

WHY can’t we start on the 22nd of October or the 1st November ? 

It’s just the same , it’s just another day... 8-12 weeks still follow those dates and it’s plenty of time to get everything sorted and get some serious leg work on your goals. 

Remember you’ve come out of 2020 on the other side and starting to thrive again, so this is true evidence that you can get you it together and finish the year off at 110%. 

We hope this helps and if you need to chat or some guidance drop us a line. 


The Kia Maia team 


crossfit Kia Maia , Crossfit north shore, Crossfit wairau valley , Crossfit Glenfield, personal trainer , personal training, Crossfit Auckland , fitness , functional fitness, Olympic lifting, gymnastics, gym , fitness centre

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