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Lachlan McLeod

Fitness success for 2021

So ..... How is your 2021 starting out ??

  • Finding it hard to get going ??

  • I got way to Festive over the holidays...

  • I smashed my 2020 goals and now I don’t really know what to concentrate on.

  • I want to get fit and live a healthier life, but I just don’t know how to start...

  • I like to train so I can drink beer and eat burgers BUT... I’m not doing the training part.

  • Still taking off on the weekend to chase the summer days.

Did something above catch your eye and is something you can relate to ??

Don’t worry your not alone and to tell you the truth we as coaches go through this to ... yep I know it’s not all “steamed chicken, spinach and fizzy water “ for us at this time and we have multiple days where we don’t train . But we wanted to write the blog to share some tips that helped us through and got our 2021 off to a start.

We get it and totally understand where your coming from, some days we want to turn the alarm clock off and go back to sleep... or ditch that afternoon/evening session and have drinks with your mates , have big plans to go head first on Monday only to put it of until next week. We have been there, we have felt this and we have come out of it and felt 100 times better for it.

So here are some helpful things that we hope can help.

  • set yourself some short, medium and long term goals (I know sounds like something every trainer says) Actually write them down and put them in a place you see daily... fridge, coffee machine , car dash board or put it on a book Mark so it’s the last thing you see before bed. These goals can be anything, “look better in swimmers” , “run a marathon”, “turn up to the gym 3 x PW” , “compete in a comp” “gain more muscle” , “be able to run around with the kids” .. Anything I’m not here to tell you your goals they are yours.

  • Once you have your “goals” then establish “Habits” these are steps to get you towards your goals. Figure out a action plan and pathway to work with.

  • Tell a training partner/ coach or someone that you think will hold you accountable through the next 1-6 months.

Ok so now we have the “Goal” you’ve nailed that part BUT your struggling with the “Habits” well here we go, somethings that helped us coaches.

  • Just “Show up” day in and day out, even on days your feeling flat or a bit sore ... remember just get in the car and walk through those gym doors. We have taken care of everything for your training that day and we can always change things up for you on how you feel.

  • Set your alarm and put it on the other side of the room, that way you literally have to get out of bed to turn it off.

  • Have a burger and beer BUT use it as a reward system , if you go to the gym or train 3 -5 times this week then I’m going out for dinner with the guys on Saturday.

  • Maybe make a plan to train Monday - Friday then you can shoot off over the weekend, then while your away plan walks, surfing or something active.

  • If you miss a morning session or know your working late due to work then try another class time, this will do 2 things get you out of your comfort zone and also you will meet new people.

  • JUST START!!! I know right easy for me to say, but it is that simple turn up, walk through those doors and get that first session under your belt, then do it again and again then after month we are back into the groove and training the house down... your losing weight, your energy levels are up and your starting to do that sneaky flex every time you catch your reflection.

  • Remember it’s you against you... no one else these are your goals, your results and however you are tracking then your crushing it.

So there you have it.... If your nervous about coming back in as you may not be in the same shape pre Xmas, then think back to last year or when you started training and now look at how far you have come.

It shows how much you are truely capable of and there is no reason we can’t do that again. Those days that you say “I can’t be bothered” or “I’ll start next week” are going to finish now and be replaced with ways to help us make 2021 a year for us, our health, fitness and a epic time with mates along the way.

So there you have it, we hope this can help you light that fire for 2021 and we look forward to seeing your goals get smashed.

Please reach out if we can help in anyway

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