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Lachlan McLeod

Daily routines for the future

Daily routines for the future

So it’s been a week since New Zealand has been placed in a “lockdown” and now that the intense fast paced panic of trying to get everything organised and in place for you to work and live your life from home for the next 4 weeks has settled. We are going to go through some ways that we can introduce some non negotiable to have time to your self and look after your health and mindset. We feel this is very important to introduce into your day to day life as its so easy to get into a routine where we are constantly working and doing overtime, we feel that if you introduce these tips into your daily routine it will be easy to transition back to normal after the “lockdown’ is lifted… So with out to much more introduction here are our 8 top “Iso Lifestyle Tips” 1. Create a wake up time through the week, always set your alarm and get up and start moving, make breakfast and start your day off right. 2. Stick to your normal gym/training times through this “period”, block it out in your diary and don’t book anything in around it… protect this time as this is important for your health and mindset at this time.

3. Keep your weekends ‘YOUR WEEKENDS”… make this time to read a book, spend time with your partner, grab a drink and FaceTime a group of mates… the list is endless.

4. Fine tune your nutrition, this is the time you can get use to tracking “macros” , portion sizes and what your meals look like on a plate… if we do this now then when we get back to going to work we will be in a great routine.

5. Get on top of “self care” with training… this can be introducing a weekly routine which includes : Foam rolling, massaging, myofascial release, stretching, breathing works, meditation and the list goes on. 6. Make a list of movements in your training that you really want to nail and take 10-15minutes each day to work on them 7. Find a competition or event that you want to do later in the year or even early 2021, and start training towards that .. tell a training partner or one of your coaches so that they can keep you accountable. 8. Stay in touch with your friends and community, if your gym has daily online classes and they work with your schedule then tune in, even if its for a chat… you will be amazed at how much seeing different faces will lift your mood.

Well there it is guys, we hope these tips help you towards introducing a solid routine into your daily lifestyle and with this it should get you back into your ‘regular lifestyle” once everything is back to normal. Tune in next week for our next blog post from Crossfit Kia Maia…

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